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San Antonio Moms Ministry Small Group (Kid Free)

First Sunday Every Month 5-7 p.m.


Adult Conversation Two hours, just mamas.


Strong Friendships The kind that is there for you in prayer and in life,


Play Dates Museums, Parks, Zoo... you name it in San Antonio and we've probably gone together, shared the experience and the parenting.


Connect with us on Instagram to see what we're up to on other days:

  • San Antonio Moms Instagram


  • Email Moms @ CCC

Questions? Send us an email.  We try to get back to you quickly!

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We are a group of moms of young kids.  Over the 2017 summer, most of us became first-time moms.  After a few months of doing things solo, we realized we could all learn from and support each other. 


Whether you have a 2-month-old, a 2-year-old, or an 8-year-old, we can all learn and grow into strong moms who our kids need. 

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